Park Circulation

  • Existing trails are typically narrow widths (1.5 m to 2 m) with asphalt surfacing

  • New trails around the updated sports fields and New Minoru Complex are wider and oriented towards multi-use

  • Analysis shows missing links in the network, notably east-west connections across the park and places where perimeter surface parking interrupts pedestrian, cyclist, and roller movements into the park

  • Transit stops exist on all the major roads surrounding the park

  • Wayfinding and trail markers are limited

  • Cycling lanes or shared lane markings are provided on Minoru Blvd, Granville Ave, and Gilbert St

  • There is no cycling provision on Westminster Hwy at the north end of the park

  • There are no designated cycling routes through Minoru Park and narrow trails are not well-suited to multi-modal use

  • The New Minoru Complex will incorporate new bike parking, but end-of-trip cycling facilities (e.g., bike lock-up, covered bike parking) may warrant consideration at other park facilities or destinations

  • Vehicle circulation is limited to perimeter of the park where parking is accessed; there are no roads through the park

  • There is existing vehicle access from each of the surrounding roads – Granville Ave, Gilbert St, Westminster Hwy, and Minoru Blvd into parking areas

  • Parking reconfiguration and improved site access in the south part of the park are being provided through the New Minoru Complex facility